It's time to talk about a touchy subject- one that's hits home in many hearts, men and women alike.
What is Feminism, and who are these Feminists?
Feminism, as defined by the dictionary, is a doctrine that advocates an equality between women and men; to have the same rights in political and economic status. There's nothing wrong with that at all, but society has taken this premise and lifted it to insane heights, adding this or that addendum to turn the definition into something more sinister. Think of the book Animal Farm, where all the animals take over and are supposed to be equal- until the pigs get power hungry. That is what's happening to Feminism today.
Women can be anything they want to be, and yes, they might have to fight a little harder to get it, but not nearly as much as they used to. Now a woman has a better chance of succeeding (if she has the drive and motivation) than she ever did- but does that mean we all have to be superwomen concerning business and finances? If we can be all we can be, why are some Feminists looking down their noses at those who have chosen the life of an at-home mom? Or a cleaning lady? or any other jobs that used to be 'women only' professions? If we can choose what we want to be, why are those choices frowned upon?
That's where the Feminist comes in. Sometimes good (equal rights), but sometimes (and more often nowadays) not so good. Feminists are becoming known as 'those self-righteous bitches' and 'man-haters' that not only climb the ladder of success, but try to step on the head of every man she can in her stilettos, not just wanting to be equal to men, but to be better than men.
But isn't equality the reason we started Feminism in the first place? So we wouldn't be under oppression by men? So why are so many Feminists becoming the 'oppressive monsters' they were originally fighting? It makes no sense.
A perfect example I'll use is me. I was brought up in a home that 'women can do anything men can do, only better'. Many times I saw my mom treating my dad with disrespect, and figured that was the way it was supposed to be. She didn't like being an at-home mom, and pursued other interests throughout my childhood.
When I got married, I figured I was the boss and he would be under me. I was a fairly new Christian then, and he was in the church all of his life. He was raised by women and understood men could be oppressive as well, so he was also a feminist- in the equal sense, not the in the 'I'm better than you' mindset I was in at the time. In the beginning it seemed to work, because when I shoved, he backed off. I shoved him around for eight years in fact, not letting him do anything that wasn't approved by me first. I had gone one better than my mother, believing in the hype that is today's standard as a Feminist. I wasn't a man-hater, just a man controller. My husband's leash was short, but had gems instead of spikes, if you will.
Then God hit me with a brick- my husband started standing up for himself. And I didn't like it.
That was also when God started really working in my heart about what role we play as women in the Bible. Don't stop reading! I'm not going to tell you I turned all lovey-dovey and nurturing, rubbing his feet and giving birth to a nation while happily doing the dishes. I'm going to tell you something that rocked my world.
God is a Feminist too.
He made Eve to be Adam's partner. An equal. Yes, He also says that men are the leaders, but men are also supposed to love their wives as they would themselves. God told men that we are equals. And if you look at Proverbs 31:10 - 31, it tells us that her husband has full confidence in her- she buys and sells property and goods, cares for the children and hires servants (aka employees whether they be in a company or a house cleaner for your home), she takes care of the house and speaks with wisdom. Does that sound like a weak, oppressed woman to you? Yes, she is obedient to both her husband and God, but she also has an opinion, and her husband is expected to consider her words- just as long as she's not screeching them at the top of her lungs!
So there is a big difference between being an oppressive Feminist vs. an equality Feminist- Respect. Men are equals. Women are equals. We all have a job to do whether that's staying at home with the kids or running a multi-million dollar business. Man or woman, don't treat the opposite sex as if they are a lesser being. That's not what God had in mind when He made us.
Now that my husband and I are true partners, our marriage has gotten better and better- In fact, this May will be our fifteenth anniversary! I no longer hold a leash but my husband's hand- and to be honest, I like that much more! Yes, sometimes it's still a struggle, but we work through it. Why?
Because we're both Feminists. And so is God.
Do You Want to Grow?
6 years ago