For me, life is beginning to resemble the tango!
Kids grow up.
Kids go to college.
I find myself looking for the woman I used to be, but I'll never be her again.
I'll be better.
I'll be better because I know more than I used to. Some call that wisdom; I call it experience. Your kids and husband give it to you, whether you like it or not. Just don't tell them I'm wise- they might not think you're talking about the same person.
Now life is changing gears again. Life has become more malleable, allowing me to make choices I could never make before. Or choices I wouldn't allow myself to make.
Like starting my own business.
Starting a ministry.
Helping my husband start his own business.
And help him expand his church ministry.
Yes, I know some people can do these things with babies in their arms, but I'm not one of them. I can multitask with the best, but only when focused on one aspect of life at a time. I just can't do the family/career/missions thing all at once- my head would explode!
Pretty soon I'll have an empty nest, and I don't want to sit there trying to hatch something that's no longer there. I want to hop off the nest, shake my feathers, and go explore the possibilities!
Except for one thing. I've been on the nest for so long, I've forgotten how!
Taking that first step into the unknown has to be the scariest thing on the planet. It was easier when I was a toddler, because I didn't know any better. Stepping into something new was awesome as a kid! As an adult, I have no problem thinking about how everything can go wrong, and though fear shouldn't have a grasp on me, it often holds me back with an iron grip. "What if" can be a very empowering motivator, but at the same time it can also be quite crippling.
But then I remember I'm not by myself in this. God is with me.
He gives me the courage to try something new.
He lifts me up if I have setbacks- and there are a lot of them.
He provides through the lean times, and at times blesses us with enough to share.
He did this throughout my time as an at-home mom.
So why should I fear changing gears? It's not like God went out to lunch...right? He's still here right beside me- And He's beside you too!
Life has once more changed gears on me. Once I get past the fear, the excitement builds. I wrote a little haiku about it.
Making life choices
Standing on a precipice.
I can fall or fly.
God is going to help me fly!
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